The Mud Stove originated at GAKO in Rwanda. It provides a means of cooking with 2 pots on one fire, much more efficient and safer than the normal ‘3 stones’ that so many people use because the fire is contained and controlled. It is also healthier as the smoke can exit through a hole in the wall. However, as it is made from wet mud, it is slow and laborious to construct, taking up to one week to finish.At EAT, we took GAKO’s basic concept and adapted it to Rammed Earth (RE) construction. With our sturdy wooden mould, 2 people can make a stove in under 2 hours. Being compacted, the earth is unlikely to crack and, being moulded, consistent stoves can be made every time. The RE stove was Improved and then Further Improved giving rise to the name F.I.R.E.S. : Further Improved Rammed Earth Stoves.Making the moulds provides work for local carpenters; making stoves can be a trade for someone otherwise without work, and the finished stoves are very popular, making the kitchen virtually smoke-free and so much safer.
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