The Wat Pa Maha Chedi Kaew temple was built with more than a million glass bottles, in Thailand's Sisaket province, about 600 km (370 miles) northeast of Bangkok.
The Thai Buddhist temple has found an environmentally friendly way to utilize discarded bottles to reach nirvana -- using them to build everything in its premises, from a crematorium to shelters and toilets.

Bob Cain and his wife Dora used around 5000 glass bottles to build theit our small church. It's been over 20 years now since the whole adventure began and they have already built more tha 20 buildings made by glass bottles.

In 1963 Heineken put on the market beer bottle with square section that can be used as brick. They were called WOBO (WOrld BOttle). The design was improved by the Dutch John Habraken in Noordwijk but later abandoned. It is a good exemple of creative recicling and "from cradle to cradle" design, i.e. objects adopting functions in relation with different phases of their vital cycle. The only wall built with this special bricks is in the Heineken museum in Amsterdam...